Tils begins about 4years ago,my daughter scoop up KINGYO
(japanease gold fish)at night festival's stall.
bought a water tanks,heater,filter,water plants that was complete.
but them died 5,and remains 1.
it seems to pitiful,i bought 10 females,15 males neighborhood home center.
and however,,,,DEATH OF ALL!!
thinking why,didn't them dead?
and been bought 10 females,10 males.
well,how is this time?
next morning just buying so fine that
swiming jump turn during water tank.
ow,ow、owgetting weak again
looking so weakly GERMAN YELLOW,he flew his head,and bad pale
raise swiming surface of water.
however ,should go to my company,i am .
then when i comes back harrier,as a matter of fact two dead.
GOD bress me!
「what can i do? havent' keep fish,less talent?]
impulse rapid buying three books for writing toropical fish.
ooh what,karamnalis,white oint sickness,so on.
next time buying medicine which is palazan,new green-F,etc
it was put in the watertank directly because my heart was in confusion.
water was yellow.
next day three dead.
all of them dead between one week.
this time really puzzled,work don't at hand.
as for the faint hope ,omly one goldfish is living.
i thought whether intending resign.
so,it is about to be good that isn't resigned.
to be contain
though it is so even as for soccer,memorizing well that the team
which yielded to the game once.
it may be a revengeful character?
the reason why it fitted into guppy.
examined for internet ,in those days,system were stupid that nes98,
memory 16mb,9600bps modem,it was so heavy environment.
so such many information conclusion is too bad waters to keep.
to gaining PH ,bought SANGO sand and turned water alkline.
by the tanks which made at least ph7.8〜8.3 weak alkalinity condition.
water seems get good conditions,substituting of became sacrifice of water
planrs KABONBA and pilotfish cardinal tetoras.
carefully fearing 2females and 2males ,preparering 2tanks.
when it was like this,it changed to the life in the center of guppy.
one morning my wife and me's conversation begins how's the guppy?
getting hate of meals which made by fish.
3 or 4 days later,come back company
fell down again
at last i cried. to contain
why don't you why triflyingforgiven me
pushing cornered,man takes a defiant attitude.
it's here with the case that it goes in the direction of
which it is good ,and the opposition.
gathering information anywhere ,and sorry TROPICAL SHOPS
hearing noisy guest with seriously.
force you to say the person who concentrates ti on something
and who is here,and a serious attitude.
disapearing conclusion.
it was infection which was characteristic of import guppy.
i let me study variously.
make a chart ,water-filter-water tank-water plant-lighting-etc
water which is (neutralization of chlorine water,the removal
of heavy metals,good well KOME-TOGI-juice?)
though the water of MEKON RIVER'S in THAILAND was black,
it is the water which is terribly good for the fish.
Do any manufacturers sell that is it really the water of the AMAZON RIVER?
while it is doing so like this,it has been found out gradually.
it is saying water has been formed.
it is important filtration bacteria.
both i birth and breeding are NAOETSU CITY.
BLOOD type is O
i am so rapid understanding that makes me many misunderstood.
it written as books.
it isn't put the fish until filtration bacteris became in crease.
however, many many fish's death aproach this understood.
Adversity trains a person! Prosperity extends a person!
they trained me very much!!
You became sacrifices beacuse science improved.
saying at myself.
friend that working NAOETSU aquariam told me good shop.
pro shop of gold fish is wanderful.
well,as fast as bought fish.
4males,and 4 female(next time destroyed completely ,damage is light)
because it was August 1997,ofcause before convention the first
preliminary Asian final league in world cup football tournament france.
this moment is very seriously and delicately for japan soccer manegementer.
i name who is beatiful ticolole tail
ot be containing
mother of all
golden fish
the world of the tropical fish ends in beginning guppy in gupy。
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